No Experiments in Brazil!

Shortly after the electoral count, LADW Chairman Andreas Renschler, Member of the Group Board of Management of Volkswagen AG and CEO TRATON GROUP, commented on the severely polarising election in a guest article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Mr Renschler called for swift action from the newly elected government around Jair Bolsonaro.

“It must unite a divided society and create a stable political framework. And it should bear in mind that there is no more leeway for experimentation and empty phrases, but that solid political work is required. Because the country needs growth,” he wrote.

With these elections, Brazil has opted for a fresh political start. This doesn’t just create risks. On the contrary: “We should take advantage of the opportunities offered by the upcoming fresh start,” he explained, continuing by remarking that the country is Latin America’s largest economy and accounts for about a third of the region’s GDP and population.

“There are more than enough opportunities to use the innovative strength of the German economy so as to further Brazil’s development. Industry 4.0 and new logistics and mobility concepts are just some of the fields in which the German economy is the global leader,” said the LADW Chairman.

 The complete guest article can be found on page 17 of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, issue no. 253, October 31, 2018.

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