We are the Latin America Committee of German Business
The Latin America Committee of German Business (LADW) draws on the competence of industry to develop business cooperation between Germany and Latin America so as to render it more focused, more efficient, and ultimately more effective. The business-driven body is hosted by the Federation of German Industries (BDI) in Berlin.
An initiative of
Gunnar Kilian, LADW Chairman: „Latin America is an important and promising region for German companies. This is the conviction with which we compete.”
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About us
The LADW unswervingly represents the interests of German business vis-à-vis its economic and political partners in Germany and Latin America. It is committed to the consistent expansion of economic collaboration.
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OUR Members
Leading representatives of German business with a strong interest in Latin America are involved in the LADW. Get to know us.
News and More
Latin America Brief
Why Latin America?
Strategically positioned between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, the 663 million predominantly young consumers create an innovation-friendly market with great potential and with a GDP of over US$ 7 trillion.
German companies have been making their way here for over a century. Today they are viewed as part of society. Shared political, economic and social values make Latin America an important ally to Germany, particularly in key areas such as trade, climate protection, energy policy and raw materials.
Key facts German industry in Latin America