Opportunities for German companies in Colombia

Colombia sees Germany as a reliable partner for the envisaged transformation of the economy with a focus on sustainability and social issues. This was emphasized by the Colombian Minister of Economy German Umaña during his visit to Berlin this week in bilateral talks with members of LADW, including Gunnar Kilian, LADW Chairman and Member of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Group.

As the fourth largest economy in Latin America, Colombia is one of the most dynamic countries in the region. And the country’s position as a key market in South America for German companies can and should be expanded. Particularly in decarbonization and digitization, Colombia and Germany have great potential for even closer cooperation – also with regard to the production of renewable energy.

It is therefore all the more important that an agreement to avoid double taxation can now be negotiated between Germany and Colombia. This would give a decisive boost to economic cooperation. In the current situation, any facilitation for trade and investment would be very welcome to companies in both countries.

Gunnar Kilian in conversation with Minister Umaña and Ambassador Salazar-Mejía
Gunnar Kilian meets Minister Umaña and Ambassador Salazar-Mejía © PROCOLOMBIA

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