Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes in conversation with LADW

The guest of honour at this year’s LADW member meeting was the Brazilian Minister of Finance and Economy, Paulo Guedes. The Minister and the LADW members discussed Brazil’s current political and economic situation and the prospects for cooperation with Germany.

Minister Guedes reiterated that Brazil was very interested in cooperation with German industry. The German interlocutors made it clear that this also applied to them – particularly in view of the impact of the pandemic and climate change on an exporting country like Germany. This is why the EU trade agreement with Mercosur is so important. The fact that its ratification has not yet been able to begin two years after its political conclusion is a cause of great concern to the German economy. The EU and Mercosur should make the most of this unique opportunity to expand cooperation and show a willingness to compromise in the final steps before ratification.

According to Paulo Guedes, his country’s aspiration to join the OECD is well on its way and many of the requirements for the public sector, environmental policy and social issues have already been met.

© Pixabay/Thorge

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