Latin America’s importance for the German economy is growing

“Latin America is and remains an essential building block in Germany’s diversification strategy. And we want to expand this and also push ahead with trade agreements – such as Mercosur,” emphasized LADW Chairman Gunnar Kilian yesterday at the annual meeting of LADW members, for which business leaders gathered in Berlin. Against this background, the strengthening of cooperation with the region is essential.

At the subsequent fireside evening, the exchange with the ambassadors of the region and high-ranking representatives of the Federal Government and the Bundestag continued.

In conversation with the evening’s guest speaker, Sarah Ryglewski, Minister of State to the German Chancellor, it becomes clear that the region has also become a top priority for German politics. Thanks to the travel offensive by members of the government, Germany has a greater political presence in Latin America than ever before. This creates a valuable economic policy basis for more economic engagement.

Latin America is – despite all the current challenges – an attractive market and business location for German companies. More than 650 million people live in this region – on around 20 million square kilometers. And it is one of the most important global suppliers of raw materials for industry. Around 50 percent of the world’s lithium, silver and gold deposits are located here.

The Latin America momentum must now be used to advance complex issues such as the EU-Mercosur agreement but also concrete projects, for example in the field of digitalization or decarbonization, which will boost growth and investment in this region.

LADW Chairman Gunnar Kilian, Sabine Bendiek, Member of the Executive Board SAP, and LADW Managing Director Rafael Haddad
LADW Chairman Gunnar Kilian, Sabine Bendiek, Member of the Executive Board SAP, and LADW Managing Director Rafael Haddad
Tim Holt, Member of the Executive Board Siemens Energy, Rolf Habben Jansen, CEO Hapag-Lloyd, and Minister of State Sarah Ryglewski and Dr. Chia Lehnardt at the LADW Member Meeting
Tim Holt, Member of the Executive Board Siemens Energy, Rolf Habben Jansen, CEO Hapag-Lloyd, and Minister of State Sarah Ryglewski and Dr. Chia Lehnardt at the LADW Member Meeting
Minister of State Sarah Ryglewski, Gunnar Kilian and Rafael Haddad
Minister of State Sarah Ryglewski, Gunnar Kilian and Rafael Haddad
Ambassador Salazar-Mejía, Ambassador Quiroga, Ambassador Atria
Ambassador Salazar-Mejía, Ambassador Quiroga, Ambassador Atria
Ambassador Frutos Ruiz
Ambassador Frutos Ruiz
Ambassador Arzubiaga Scheuch, Reinhard Houben, Member of the German Bundestag, Ambassador López Fabregat
Ambassador Arzubiaga Scheuch, Reinhard Houben, Member of the German Bundestag, Ambassador López Fabregat
Ambassador Brun, Gunnar Kilian, State Secretary Thoms
Ambassador Brun, Gunnar Kilian, State Secretary Thoms
Ambassador Ticona Cuba
Ambassador Ticona Cuba
Thomas Silberhorn, Member of the German Bundestag, and Deniese Sealey, Embassy Jamaica
Thomas Silberhorn, Member of the German Bundestag, and Deniese Sealey, Embassy Jamaica
Hubert Hüppe, Member of the German Bundestag, Eugenia Gutierrez Ruiz, Embassy Costa Rica, and Ingo Bodtke, Member of the German Bundestag
Hubert Hüppe and and Ingo Bodtke, both Members of the German Bundestag, and Eugenia Gutierrez Ruiz, Embassy Costa Rica
Ambassador Jaguaribe
Ambassador Jaguaribe
Ambassador De von Oehsen and Ambassador Atria
Ambassador De von Oehsen and Ambassador Atria
Minister of State Ryglewski and Ambassador García Silva
Minister of State Ryglewski and Ambassador García Silva
Manuel Gava, Member of the German Bundestag, and Dunja Kreiser, Member of the German Bundestag
Manuel Gava and Dunja Kreiser, both Members of the German Bundestag

© Christian Kruppa

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