A breath of fresh air for a proven dialog format

As part of the German-Brazilian Intergovernmental Consultations on December 4, an addendum to the founding act of the bilateral Working Initiative for Cooperation in Agribusiness and Innovation (AI) was signed in the presence of German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir and his Brazilian counterpart Carlos Fávaro. In it, both sides agree to strengthen AI as an exchange platform, to involve new partners and to further develop it thematically.

The aim is to further intensify the dialog on innovative approaches to increasing sustainability and involve other players from the entire value chain.

The AI was founded in 2003 and receives its mandate for three years from the German-Brazilian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation. Jordi Tormo, Vice President Business Management Industrial Formulators Europe at BASF SE, chairs the AI on behalf of German industry, which is coordinated by LADW and BDI. His Brazilian counterpart is Ingo Plöger, Vice President of the Brazilian National Agribusiness Association (ABAG). The political side is chaired by representatives of the respective ministries, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA). The AI meets at least once a year in the context of the German-Brazilian Economic Meeting.

Signing ceremony Addendum
Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, his Brazilian counterpart Carlos Fávaro, Ingo Plöger, ABAG Vice President, and Rafael Haddad, LADW Managing Director © BMEL
Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir

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