Strong partnership with a lot of potential for expansion

Strengthening cooperation between Germany and Mexico – that was the consensus at the digital 2nd German-Mexican CEO Roundtable on 25 August 2021. CEOs and board members from both countries intensively discussed the topics of digitalisation, framework conditions for trade and investment, climate protection, rule of law and transparency. The meeting of the platform initiated in 2019 was organised by BDI and LADW in cooperation with the Mexican business associations CCE, CONCAMIN and COPARMEX.

“Mexico and Germany are well placed to work together to shape the digital and environmental transformation of the economy,” said Michael Heinz, Vice Chairman of LADW and member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE. As export-oriented nations, he said, both countries are dependent on swiftly adapting their economies to the latest challenges of digitalization and climate change so that they remain internationally competitive in the future. “Climate neutrality will only be achieved in close cooperation between politics, business and science – and this on an international level,” Heinz said.

BDI President Prof. Dr. Siegried Russwurm also suggested closer bilateral cooperation at the global level: “Mexico and Germany are important allies in all international organizations. The positions of both countries on climate protection, global social and environmental standards, transparency and more are largely congruent. We should build on this. “

Mexico has already become Germany’s largest export market in Latin America. And conversely, Germany is the country’s most important trading partner in the EU. More than 2,000 German companies, many with more than 100 years of history, already have a major economic and cultural influence there.

Nevertheless, the improvement of the framework conditions in the country remains indispensable for the expansion of cooperation. Issues such as market opening, the rule of law or progress for the security situation are still urgent concerns for companies. A sustainable diversification of the economy with a well-trained workforce, a technology-oriented and climate-friendly modernisation of local industry, and the expansion of logistics and infrastructure would drive Mexico’s sustainable development.

The modernised trade agreement with the EU could also provide important impetus for more investment and trade, especially through new market opportunities for German companies in the procurement, agricultural and services markets. Both sides should join forces to ensure that the agreement can be ratified soon.

Mexico City
Mexico City © Pixabay/Carlos Alcazar
Michael Heinz
Michael Heinz, LADW Vice Chairman and Member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE © BASF SE

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