Mastering global challenges together with Latin America

The Latin America Committee of German Business (LADW) and the Association for Latin America (LAV) published today a position paper with recommendations for the new German government.

For the German industry, cooperation with the Latin American economies is gaining increasing strategic importance, also in view of the rising global challenges.

The position paper focuses on five key areas:

1. Together with Latin America, the development of technologies for emission reduction and CO2-free power generation, the circular economy, and in the field of IoT and AI should be promoted. The region can make a decisive contribution to the success of a comprehensive ecological and digital transformation.

2. The German government’s Latin America policy should be advanced on a long-term, interministerial basis. The Latin America-Caribbean Initiative started by the Federal Foreign Office is an important step in the right direction. German business very much welcomes the fact that its continuation has been stipulated in the coalition agreement.

3. European cooperation with the region should also be proactively strengthened by Germany. This includes in particular support for the ratification of the EU trade agreements with Mexico, Chile and Mercosur.

4. Before the Brazilian elections in October 2022, the new German government should position itself in such a way that a new start in economic policy is possible with any Brazilian government. Only through intensive political dialogue at the highest level will joint solutions be found, for example in the protection of the rainforest.

5. The German government would have to provide consistent political support for economic cooperation with the region in order to promote the position of German industry by improving the framework conditions in Latin American countries.

© Pixabay/Sangkuriank28

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